
We, the Mighty Bugs, were a band from Berlin, Germany.
We have a classical line-up: Two guitars, keybords, bass, drums and two vocalists. We love the music of Oasis and the Fab Four, of Suede and Elvis, and although we don't play cover
versions of these famous bands, one can hear their influences on our music. Or in other words:
We were BEAT ing the POP !
The final news:
The Mighty Bugs ceased to be. The day of death is the 18.7.2000.
Thanks for your support over the years, your comments, your applause.
The Info
The spring '96 was a very lucky time for the world, as four freaks for different musical styles gathered for the first time. They made a spontanious metamophosis and became "The
Mighty Bugs"!
They became even mightier, when a fifth member joined them two years later. The program of about two hours is mostly made of they own tentacles. Their influences are i.e. the
Beatles, Blur,Oasis and ..Elvis! From the cellar they crawl into the light of the stages of the world, and one day they will flood the world with a mighty, mighty invasion of
"The Mighty Bugs" !
Upcoming Concerts
No more concerts.
Be sure to visit our page at MP3.DE or MP3.COM . Some of our songs are available
for download.